The answer would be watercolor painting. I did this too and good luck
The latest archeological discoveries and forensic analyses suggest that the first humans who arrived in the Americas came around 5,000 years earlier than previously thought, and not necessarily by crossing a land brigde between Alaska and Syberia in the Bering Strait. The first arrivals date some 20,000 years ago.
In U.S, the fedral Reserves Board of Governors control <u>Monetary policy.</u>
He was his son.
You can see it in their names. Quincy was John Quincy Adams' middle name, we just include it when we talk about him to avoid getting him confused with his father.
Farming, sewing, and taking care of livestock were just a few responsibilities that were left to slaves during the 1600's. White families received all of the benefits from the work done, yet they rarely had to lift a finger, unless it was to correct a slave. Today's generation reads about slavery and regards it as morally wrong. While I agree that slavery was one of America's greatest wrongdoings, it paved the way for America as we know it today.
One of the largest uses of slave labor was in the southern plantations. Virginia's economy depended greatly on the production of tobacco. However, the problem being that tobacco plants required thousands of workers to produce the extensive amount that was being exported . Without the use of slave labor, there would not have been enough man power to fuel the plantations.
Virginia was not the only colony in need of help on the plantations. Rice plantations in the Carolinas became a cash crop in the early 1690's. However, slaves were not first to work on the rice plantations; white indentured servants were. The servants did not last long because of the malaria carrying mosquitoes that infested the swamps, and African Americans were soon enlisted as slaves to work the plantation .