those who are curious about their emerging self-concepts are more likely to engage in exploratory behavior to acquire the information they need.
Learning styles relate to our choice of major or choice of profession because not all individuals learn the same way. Exploring your preferred learning styles can help you engaged and be interested in growing your skills and knowledge in a particular field, which could assist you to plan on what educational career you will take to build a successful career advancement.
Moreover, visual learners are good sculptors, graphic artist, strategic planners and photographers, while verbal learners includes public speakers, journalist, politicians, and professional writers.
If you bake your potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil and then leave them to cool down without unwrapping the foil, you are in danger of letting dangerous bacteria grow on them. One of these dangerous pathogens is the Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that produces toxins and causes botulism. This pathogen thrives in low-oxygen (anaerobic) environments, like the one created in the aluminum foil.
It gives us core muscles which makes us stronger. Also it is energy and vitamins to do hard work and not get tired easily