It would be given the boot- a shoemaker would work on boots
When looking at what the subject does in a sentence, you are looking at the action. A sentence consists of two basic parts: who/what is doing what. The cat (who/what) chased the mouse (did what). The subject is the who/what part of the sentence, and the verb is the action of the sentence. Consider the following sentence: He ran quickly. A pronoun is a word that renames the noun ("he" rather than "Jim" or some other proper name). And an adverb modifies a verb ("quickly" modifies "ran").
In "To an Athlete Dying Young," the poet writes an elegy for a young, athletic man who recently passed away. This is naturally a sad subject, and the poet does begin his writing with a sad and somber tone of pity.
However, the author makes use of the structure of the poem in order to surprise his readers. Despite the sad tone of the first stanza, as the poem progresses, the tone becomes one of satisfaction and praise, which comes as a surprise to the reader.
The author is able to use each stanza to present different and contrasting ideas. While he agrees that dying young is a shame, he reflects on how quickly youth is gone, and on how many men lost their reputation by the time they became old. He claims that, by dying young, the athlete will never have to face old age, decline or loss of glory. Therefore, despite the sadness, the author is able to obtain some positive ideas from the situation.
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The answer is C because the excerpt states, "For Hercules, victor of sovereign power, His labours sing his praise and lasting fame." this portrays him in a sort of heroic light as it calls him a "victor." It also states how people sang in praise of him. It gives the idea that he is admired by many. Furthermore, the exceprtr states how he completed many difficult deeds, which gives reason for why they may look up to him.