They traveled in Conestoga wagons
A modern political action would be the revolution of workers. Many people believed this statement would be the rallying cry for individuals who supported the Communist way of life. Many felt that it signaled an end to global capitalism.
The goal of the Communist Party USA is to remove President Donald J. Trump from office in the November, so the elected Socialists, Marxists, and Communists in the Biden administration can change the government of the US Constitution Republic into the Socialist Republic of America.
The large political upheaval (Articles of Confederation to Constitutional Convention and United States Constitution, Bill of Rights)
Answer: There isn´t a specific type of government official that feared Censorate, since it all depended on how censors behaved, which is why there is a mixed opinion, with some tales talking about benevolent and honorable censors, while others accepted bribes and extorted government officials.
We can say that Korea is the country where government officials feared censors the most, since the king´s influence was weak and the aristocracy was very strong, so censors became very critic with the monarchy.