In some servers I heard three accs can answer
C. by employing foreshadowing techniques to illuminate the timing of Oedipus’s self-revelation
Oedipus the King is set in that destined city-state called Thebes. Despite the fact that most Greek dramatists were Athenian, their plays are scarcely ever set in the place where they grew up—truth be told, they weren't permitted to do as such.
The tragedies took on issues current Athenian issues, be that as it may. For instance, a few researchers think the plague in Oedipus the King is referencing an ongoing maladie in Athens. It appears, however, that Athenians favored a little target separate while analyzing their issues.
A brief (without going into details) reference to a well-known event, place, or person of historical, religious, political, or cultural importance is called allusion. This is usually done to reach at some conclusion, to make a point, claim, or to say more in few words. For example, <em>he is the Hamlet of our class, That park is like Garden of Eden.</em>
Perspective and point of view are similar concepts. It is lens through which a reader or a writer analyzes an event, character or situation etc.
Imperialism means the policy of ruling over a(usually another) country by use of force, or by political/economic power.
B, as this is a real theme of a book a instead of examples of what could be happening in the book.