Answer: C. Data type
data types are defined as the data storage format that a variable can store a data to perform a specific operation. Data types are used to define a variable before its use in a program. Size of variable, constant and array are determined by data types.
Geostationary communication satellites are useful because they are visible from a large area of the earth's surface, extending 81° away in both latitude and longitude. They appear stationary in the sky, which eliminates the need for ground stations to have movable antennas.
Every time Windows starts, or unlocks from the start screen, the Start Button and Task Bar is always displayed by default.
You will also see, the system tray and desktop background but these vary based on the amount of apps installed and user choice of wallpaper, so wouldn't necessarily count as defaults.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
while (true) {
System.out.print("Enter a year (0 to exit): ");
int year = scan.nextInt();
if (year == 0) break;
boolean leap = false;
if (year % 4 == 0) {
if (year % 100 == 0) {
leap = (year % 400 == 0);
else {
leap = true;
System.out.printf("%d is%s a leap year.\n", year, leap ? "":" not");