Simply put: A callback is a function that is to be executed after another function has finished executing — hence the name 'call back'. ... Functions that do this are called higher-order functions. Any function that is passed as an argument is called a callback function.
Following are the statement is given below
if(updateDirection ==1) // check condition
++numUsers; // increments the value
--numUsers; // decrement the value
Following are the description of statement
- Check the condition in the if block .If the "updateDirection" variable is 1 then then control moves to the if block otherwise control moves to the else block statement.
- In the if block the statement is "++numUsers" it means it increment the value by 1 .
- In the else block the statement is "--numUsers" it means it decrement the value by 1 .
the process of displaying the information from the table is called query
<h2>hey friend </h2><h2>your answer is here </h2><h2>I hope it will be helpful you </h2><h2>please mark as brainiest answer </h2><h2>thank you </h2>
Minerals can form deep inside earth's crust by the crystallization of melted materials. There are two ways on how minerals are formed: crystallization of melted materials and the crystallization of materials dissolved in water.
Hope this helps!
a client-side framework is loaded on the client side, ie., the browser.