It depends on the fear and what works best for you. Some people prefer to talk to someone while others eat their fear and stuff their face with lots of food. A good tactic is maybe to think about your fear for 10 minutes straight then take 20 minutes to do something that makes you happy to distract your mind.
1Ellas juegan al billar ( or a el billar)
2Yo escucho el disco compacto
3Tu juegas a las cartas
4Antonio ve la televisión
5Nosotros jugamos a los videojuegos
Answer: the answer is construimos
la civilizacion antigua construimos untemplo impresionante.
Xilófono , Explicar , Mixiote, Xel-Ha, Ximenez, Xavier, Ximena, Oaxaca, Mexico, Tlaxcala,
select the spanish word for (100)
tengo cien lapices (sorry for the accent on the a)
hope I helped