Risk response planning
Risk response planning can be seen as a way of initiating diverse options and reducing or elimination risk to the project,and also create an avenue to increase the opportunity impact.
Risk response planning are plans done by a project manager to detect and find a solution to a threat to a project even before it occurs.
However, Risk can be managed with this three steps. 1). Risk identification, 2). Risk analysis, 3). Developing risk response plan.
The answer is: c. It’s important to keep accurate records.
In cases when the people from authority need to conduct an audit to our financial information, they will crosschecks the accounting records that we have with the actual proof of the transaction (slips, bank statement, cheques, etc). If, there are some inaccuracies in the records, they could use it as a proof to indict us for financial frauds even if it's a honest mistake on our part.
Lok Sabha
Finance minister presents the budget in Lok Sabha. Until 2016, it was presented on the last day of February. However, from 2017 the budget has been presented on February 1 every year.