The “Reconstruction Amendments” passed by Congress between 1865 and 1870 abolished slavery, gave black Americans equal protection under the law, and granted suffrage to black men. ... The system of sharecropping allowed blacks a considerable amount of freedom as compared to slavery.
The factors favored was that they were free to the land.
Answer: Life has always been tied to water.
Thus, the world's oldest civilizations have just emerged in territories where there was enough water. For example, we can take the Euphrates and Tigris as the rivers on which culture was born. Egyptian civilization was also born thanks to the Nile River.
Water primarily provided man with a source of drinking water, thanks to the water, a man was able to satisfy his hygienic injuries. The water also provided him with the opportunity to irrigate his crops and to water his cattle.Thus, thanks to nature, man developed his original habitats. Over time, man evolved, and "domesticated" water and life, and a more complex irrigation system was designed.
Two of Africa's resources are cobalt, and diamonds. hope that helped
tha valuse is is the rules nad everything rules related