I read this play! I loved it!
She stated many times, frantically, that she was alone.
The setting helped by showing her in her bedroom by herself.
I kinda think this may not have helped...
But I hope it did in some way!
a- no start is the answer
Mrs Mallard is beginning to recognise and accept the positive that emerges from her husband’s death, being her newfound freedom. Tentative words such as ‘little’, ‘whispered’ and ‘breath’ convey her disbelief but could also reveal the moral conflict within the realisation to the reader. The repetition of ‘free’ is singsong-like as if to portray a vital moment of self-actualisation.
You could also analyse the contrast in ‘little whispered’ and the way she uses exclamation points in ‘free!’, etc
Not sure how detailed I was meant to go. Hope this helps hey x
if you have time please answer my question