Ok not really good at expressing feelings but you can try thi:
write about what you feel for ur mom
what you are thankful for or just something nice
You lived one in your home.
You lived them in your heart.
You shaped this soul of mine.
Your life cathedraled God.
And calm all of our fears.
Quite suddenly is real.
We need from day to day.
And sent from God above.
What does America mean to you?
Is it just the red white and blue?
Are the stories really true?
Just between me and you
I believe America is the best anyone could do!
At first the chef became the political prisoner.
The readers get to know that not every plants that seem harmless are actually harmless.
Rainforest are basically forests which are spreaded across acres and which faces high rainfall almost throughout the year.
If we talk about the poisonous medicinal plants of rainforest, there are innumerable plants in the forest and most of those plants might seem quite harmless but that must not be the case.
Some of the most deadliest and toxic plants include the Water Hemlock, White snakeroot, Castor bean, Tobacco and many such other toxic plants which can be found in rainforest all over the world.