Bxcbhdb. Bcdhb. Bxsujzb xhjxn. Heinz. Jhdbcbxdhbc. Dbhdbx sjsnx cbejrdbxbjsjs xx. Chdhxx jx. Xbox d deans. Xbjdbd xxb xbxbd x xdbehdbbxjdjwnxbdbhe dhuebxxhiedjnxsjeinxnx x dhd xxhjdxb. Djxnx xndjje
ha, you think it's funny huh?
Practice in front of people your close to and work up to bigger groups
The stage of moral development Kohlberg would most likely say that Lu is demonstrating is:
D. Conventional stage.
According to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, there are three possible moral development stages:
1. Pre-conventional
2. Conventional
3. Post-conventional
The one that matters most to us here is the conventional stage of moral development. This is when we internalize the values and rules modeled and taught to us by adults.
At the conventional stage, we do not question authority. We accept what we are told we should or should not do.
This is the stage where Lu is at (notice that the name Lena also appears in the question). She has accepted the fact that vaping is illegal, for that reason, is not going to do it.
Learn more about Kohlberg's stages of moral development here:
After finishing any essay, you should check for grammatical or spelling mistakes, word phrasing, sentence structure, and whether or not you essay answers your thesis.
Good luck with that essay my man.