B.) Diffusion
Since this is oxygen, not water, and it is going from an area of high concentration to low, it is moving with its concentration gradient, it would be diffusion. If it were water, not oxygen, then it would be osmosis, and lastly, if it were moving from an area of low to high concentration, that would be active transport. Semipermeability is a characteristic of cell membranes, not a method of movement.
Answered below.
A karyotype is defined as the size, shape, and number of chromosomes present in an organism.
An analysis is usually done on a karyotype to see if individuals have abnormal numbers or sizes of chromosomes. Such abnormalities may arise from;
Deletion: which implies that a chromosomal part is missing.
Duplication: where parts of a chromosome are repeated.
Translocation: which occurs when a chromosomal part breaks off and gets attached to another chromosome.
Nondisjunction: in which chromosomes do not separate from the parent cells.
Common chromosomal disorders arising from these abnormalities include;
Down's syndrome
Edwards syndrome
Turner's syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Prada-willi syndrome
Cri-du-chat syndrome
Patau's syndrome
During crossing over, part of one chromosome is exchanged with another. The result is a hybrid chromosome with a unique pattern of genetic material. Gametes gain the ability to be genetically different from their neighboring gametes after crossing over occurs.
Answer: muscle contraction of sustained force resulting from repeated action potentials. (Option A)
Explanation: Tetanus is also called physiologic tetanus. Tetanus refers to the contraction of the muscle, which is established when the motor nerve that supply nerves to a skeletal muscle produces action potentials at a very high degree.
However, tetanic contraction is usually a normal process (such as when carrying a heavy box). Also, muscles can be shorten, lengthen or remain constant length during tetanic contractions.
Hi, um. Sorry to tell you this but..
I don't think anyone is willing to do your project you have to do. After all, You are a middle schooler and have the ability yourself, so please, Braily is for simple questions not projects. Now, if you would mind, please finish the project..YOURSELF,and then ask other questions if needed. Tysm xx Casey