Enter a number: 7
Enter a number: 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
print (numi + num2)
NameError: name 'numi' is not defined
The typo in the print statement causes a run-time error, where obviously num1+num2 was expected, and an output of 17.
Answered below
Class BaseballPlayer{
//Instance variables
string name;
int hits;
int bats;
BaseballPlayer (string a, int b, int c){
name = a;
hits = b;
bats = c
public void printBattingDetails( ){
System.out.print(name, hits, bats)
//Demo class
Class BaseballTester{
public static void main (String args []){
BaseballPlayer player = new BaseballPlayer("Joe", 8, 4)
player.printBattingDetails( )
Friction (drag)
The force resisting motion through a fluid is a type of friction, that is called drag.
software quality dilemma is a situation where there is confusion regarding what should we prioritize : a good quality work or a fast paced work. In software development , many a times there will be deadlines to achieve, in such cases software quality dilemma is bound to occur. A developer would have to choose between writing and optimized and well commented code or just get the job done without proper optimized or reviews. In same lines, many companies have to decide between regular reviews and expert opinions of a product for good software quality or bypass them to meet budgets and deadlines.
the answer is pulping
The method of making paper is called pulping
~batmans wife dun dun dun...aka ~serenitybella