Can have difficulty finding work.
Health Belief Model
The Health Belief Model posits that the perceived threat of a disease and the belief in the efficacy of a health plan will motivate a person to adopt a behavior or action. For this model to be truly applicable, there would be a
- Perceived susceptibility: This means that the person believes that he or she stands the risk of having the disease.
- Perceived benefits: If a certain cause of action seems effective, the individual is likely to adopt it since it is beneficial.
- Cue to action: These are indicators that move a person to change. Some of them include; the sickness of an acquaintance, a health awareness program, or even a symptom like pain.
The given statement is True.
The conflict in the intimacy versus isolation stage is ability to form healthy intimate relationship.
Erik Erikson gave a theory of psychological development that comprises of many stages. Intimacy versus Isolation is the sixth stage of his proposed theory.
This is the stage that starts in the early adulthood and lasts till the mid adulthood. It lasts between the age from 19 to 40.
In this phase of life, a person either makes a loving and intimate relationship with other person, which is Intimacy, OR fails to find a partner, which makes him isolated from the world, which is Isolation.
The conflict in this stage is the ability to form a healthy intimate relationship.
Learn more about Erikson's theory of psychological development at:
Absolute monarchy, an absolute monarchy is where families inherit the power
Europe, africa, and asia.