The french and Indian war, they went into debt after, so they taxed the colonies. The colonies rebelled because they didn’t have a say. So they protest, boycott items and has the tea act and Boston tea party, the Boston Massacre, the intolerable acts and the stamp act, which led to the American Revolution
Mientras la liebre dormía La Siesta, La Tortuga se movía lenta pero constantemente. La lección moral de la historia es que puedes tener más éxito haciendo las cosas lenta y constantemente que actuando rápida y descuidadamente. Lento y constante gana la carrera.
Para las dos opciones, se pone a continuación ambos funcionan perfectamente
President Polk wrote this address to Congress on May 11, 1846 to the Senate and the House of Representatives:
The existing state of the relations between the United States and Mexico renders it proper that I should bring the subject to the consideration of Congress. In my message at the commencement of your present session, the state of these relations, the causes which led to the suspension of diplomatic intercourse between the two countries in March, 1845, and the long-continued and unredressed wrongs and injuries committed by the Mexican Government on citizens of the United States in their persons and property were briefly set forth.
As the facts and opinions which were then laid before you were carefully considered, I can not better express my present convictions of the condition of affairs up to that time than by referring you to that communication.
I looked it up and i went in this link and it said it was henry VII