There are two ways to form the future tense in Spanish, namely: The informal future (ir + a + infinitive) and the simple future (el futuro simple). In this problem we will use the simple future. This is used to talk about what will or shall happen. It is also used to talk about the possibility of what someone may or might be doing in the present. Moreover, it can also be used to express conjecture, possibilities, and probabilities in the present, make predictions about the future, and give solemn commands. On the other hand, there are two forms in this verbal tense, namely: Regular and Irregular Simple Future Forms.
If we want to form the regular form of the simple future tense, we need to add the correct ending to the infinitive of the verb. All verb conjugations, that is ar, er, and ir verbs, have the same endings in the simple future tense as indicated in the Table below.
On the other hand, we have three categories in the irregular forms:
a) Verbs where the last vowel in the infinitive is replaced with a d. In this category, only fall er and ir verbs. If we want to form the future of these verbs let's replace the e or i at the end of the infinitive with a d. Then, we add the conditional endings indicated in the Table below.
b) Verbs where the last vowel in the infinitive is removed. In this category, only fall er verbs. If we want to form the future with verbs in this category, we must remove the vowel from the infinitive ending. Then, we add the conditional endings shown in the Table below.
c) Verbs that are simply irregular. For example, in this category fall the verbs decir and hacer.
In these sentences all the verbs are given in the irregular form. Therefore, we can solve this problem as follows:
1. Mis amigos no querrán ir conmigo.
Irregular given c) item
2. Ustedes tendrán hambre a las ocho.
Irregular given a) item
3. Mi libro no cabrá en la mochila
Irregular given b) item
4. Nosotros no querremos ir al cine esta noche.
Irregular given c) item
5. Yo saldré a las ocho.
Irregular given a) item
6. Usted saldrá de la casa temprano.
Irregular given a) item
7. Ustedes vendrán al cine.
Irregular given a) item
8. Usted le dirá la verdad a la profesora.
Irregular given c) item
9. Mis amigos pondrán la ropa en la maleta.
Irregular given a) item
Siguiendo, is the answer
not positive but it's an answer
to identify in our ecclesial community the objectives to be pursue, how to achieve them and the steps to take we must set and achieve goals, stay motivated and seek new goals in life. However, it is not always easy to make the goals leave the plan of ideas and become reality. We created this post for everyone who has this difficulty and wants to start changing the game right now.
<h3>¿Qué es la comunidad eclesiástica?</h3>
Las Comunidades Eclesiásticas de Base (CEB) son comunidades inclusivas vinculadas principalmente a la Iglesia Católica que, alentadas por la Teología de la Liberación, se difundieron principalmente en las décadas de 1970 y 1980 en Brasil y América Latina. Son comunidades generalmente agrupadas por proximidad territorial y necesidades y miserias comunes, compuestas principalmente por miembros de las clases trabajadoras insatisfechas y desposeídas, vinculadas a una iglesia o comunidad con fuertes lazos, cuyo objetivo es leer la Biblia en articulación con la vida. , con la realidad política y social en que viven y con las miserias cotidianas que enfrentan en la matriz ordinaria de su vida comunitaria.
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