Because Gurgi wants a threesome.
Its obvious duh
Another girl is competing with her for the attention of a boy
In Hamadi, Susan's friend Tracy is upset because she is competing with a other girl to have the attention of a boy she likes.
Tracy is upset and Hamedi tries to comfort her to make her feel better, even though she is a total stranger to him.
The interpersonal level, which accounts for the pragmatics.
The representational level, which accounts for the semantics.
The morphosyntactic level, which accounts for the syntax and morphology.
The phonological level, which accounts for the phonology of the utterance.
Gothic fiction
However Frankenstein also has the genre of science fiction,Mary Shelly wrote it as gothic during the romantic period. Due to the presence of evil, mystery, supernatural, dark aspects of life and the romanticism associated to the Goth genre, This example, and the book itself exempliefies Gothic fiction.