(A) The cell phone
We have the freedom of speech and that is demonstrated by the cell phone, the cell phone has social media plat forms that you can download and you can share an idea, thought or opinion with the freedom to do so.
The cell phone also has apps that can entertain you.
Period Pooh you already know
idea for online dating:
=> It’s best to first research what are those effects of online dating to the
society. Then explain how it changes every person’s mindset about physical
dating. Cite also some examples about teenagers that love to have online
dating. Give the advantage and disadvantage of online dating.
Do not conclude that it does bad; rather give more information about it. What
risk a teen can have if he/she engaged in online dating and then meeting.</span><span>
the last 2 because the first two are just saying they’re against that statement
Doctors warned people to stay away from the medical tent where patients were being treated in order to avoid contagion. This means to avoid the spread or transfer of diseases or infection. Contagion means the communication of illnesses from one person to another, most especially when in close contact.