In August 1619 more people arrived on the Dutch Man-of-War ship at Jamestown colony. This is the earliest record of Black people in colonial America. These colonists were freemen and indentured servants. At this time the slave trade between Africa and the English colonies had not yet been established.
Records from 1623 and 1624 listed the African inhabitants of the colony as servants, not slaves. In the case of William Tucker, the first Black person born in the colonies, freedom was his bright right. He was son of "Antony and Isabell", a married couple from Angola who worked as indentured servants for Captain William Tucker whom he was named after. Yet, court records show that at least one African had been declared a slave by 1640; John Punch. He was an indentured servant who ran away along with two White indentured servants and he was sentenced by the governing council to lifelong servitude. This action is what officially marked the institution of slavery in Jamestown and the future United States.
A. Abolishment by kings of feudal ties, to establish government and extend royal power
The 1000-1150 period is in fact, a period when feudalism was at its peak. For example, France in the year 1100 was a unified kingdom in name only, it was in fact composed of several counties and duchies such as the Duchy of Normandy or the County of Champagne, that had political, military and economic power over these territories. The king ruled in name only, and in order to collect taxes, or raise an army, he needed the approval of local feudal lords.
Same thing applies for other countries such as the Holy Roman Empire, Northern Spain, and the Low countries.
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In cases where Native tribes resisted assimilation, Jefferson believed that to avoid war and probable extermination they should be forcefully relocated and sent west.