Beowulf’s motivations for helping Hrothgar appear to be threefold: (1) The Danes are in need of help against a monstrous horror and Beowulf believes he can set things right for them; (2) Hrothgar had provided shelter to Beowulf’s father, Ecgtheow, as well as paid werguild in a feud that Ecgtheow had precipitated; and (3) Fighting Grendel will bring Beowulf renown and treasure. Modern audiences may question whether motivation (
In the poem 'The Worm', the poet Thomas Gisborne brings out the emotions he has for the little worms. He says we should take care not to step on them and take away their lives. They may be tiny but are God's creations and no one has a right to take away another's life.
As the poem 'The Road Not Taken' broadly emphasizes the role of decision-making in one's life. When one has many choices, it is very crucial to make the right choice. Right decision will be beneficial to the individual in the long term. ... The poet or traveller sighs when he refers to the decision he has made.
it is represented by a varying selection of sensational triumphs, such as wireless telegraphy and aeroplanes, radio-activity, and the marvels of modern alchemy Explanation: ! ! ! HOPE IT HELPS ! ! !