What the problem about the captuine is blurry
Loudly, hardwood, before. They describe an action or a verb.
There are certainly both pros and cons to using email messages.
Email travels instantaneously, no need to wait for reply
Email can reach anyone with internet, regardless of location
Users with email can spam one another by sending messages constantly
User must have access to the internet to receive email
Basically, email is useful because anyone with internet can send messages to anyone else who has internet, but both users must, of course, first gain access to the internet.
Alliteration= occurrence of a letter, we don’t have that.
Allusion=expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. ‘ an allusion to Shakespeare’
Onomatopoeia=sound associated ‘ sizzle’
Simile= needs words like or as
B. Although the Sultan’s father was cruel, the Sultan’s kindness undoes the harm his father caused to Hasan Abdallah.
Neil Philip retold the story of "The Keys of Destiny" from <em>The Arabian Nights</em>. The plot revolves around the new king Sultan Muhammad Ibn Thailun and his wisdom in ruling the kingdom of Egypt.
In the given story, Sultan Muhammad had just found out about the captive Sheikh Hasan Abdallah who his father had kept in a dungeon for refusing to read the manuscript. When the Sultan recovered the Sheikh, he apologized for what his father had done and returned the manuscript to the old Sheikh. This led to the Sheikh proclaiming <em>"Allah is wise, who makes the poison and the antidote to flower in the same field".</em> By this line, what the Sheikh meant was that the former Sultan may have been cruel, but the current Sultan's kindness undid the wrongs his father had done to him.