Answer: Maya and Chloe were playing tag at recess with a bunch of the guys from 6th grade. Chloe knew that Maya liked one of them, but Chloe promised not to tell him. But then at the end Chloe walked up to him and said, ¨ Maya really likes you¨. Maya had gotten really mad at Chloe, but as it turns our the guy really like Maya as well. The next day at recess Chloe went up to Maya and said, ¨ Chloe I am really sorry I told him your secret, but I already knew he really liked you and I was tired of you wanting something you thought you couldn't have.¨ Maya forgave Chloe and they played tag for the rest of recess.
The rabbit takes the badger fishing and D, drowns him in the lake. the rabbit then goes and tells the farmer that he’s avenged his wife, and the two live together as friends until the end of time.
Explanation: The advantage is Jesus. Jesus has overcome Satans temptations and has relied on God. Because of this we have been saved. In Matthew 4:1-11 it talks about how Jesus was tempted, but overcame the temptation.