Answer: I prefer showers
Baths are essentially laying in your own filth however, with showers the water that hits your body goes down the drain.
False, because utopia defined is an unachievable future perfection
Membuat blok Asia dan Islam oleh negara-negara Asia di masa depan.
Ya, Indonesia berperan dan ikut serta dalam kerja sama ini karena dia adalah negara Islam sekaligus negara Asia sehingga bisa berpartisipasi di kedua blok tersebut. Negara-negara Asia menjalin kerjasama untuk memiliki satu mata uang di mana mereka berdagang satu sama lain. Dalam waktu dekat, blok Islam baru akan dibuat yang bekerja untuk semua Muslim di seluruh dunia.
A mosaic is a pattern or image made of small regular or irregular pieces of colored stone, glass or ceramic, held in place by plaster/mortar, and covering a surface.
Mosaics were usually just decorational, but could show history or events in them.
Answer:A press release
A press release is way that is used to announce to the public the news that are worthy to be shared with them and in a way that takes no side or in a non bias way.
The aim of a press release is to grab the target audience's attention and get coverage.
The point is that news get communicated to the audience in as effective way as possible and without taking anyone's side but reporting them as they are.