Delusion is the form of schizophrenia. Delusions are reinforced by the misinterpretation of the situation. This delusion includes many types of [paranoia. Delusions are of many types such as
- Jealousy delusion
- Persecutor delusion
- Grandiose delusion
- Semantic delusion
- Mixed delusion
There are different types of treatment been provided to the patient. Cognitive behavior therapy, family therapy, group therapy, etc. have been given to the patient. Many anti-psychotic drugs are there which is useful in the treatment of delusions.
The world, at the present moment, is in a great crisis because of the lack of the ability to discern right from wrong with the correct lenses. This is because of the different standard that are used to gauge right from wrong. In the word, sometimes the emphasis is more on the personal rights and privileges. Not doing away the need for personal rights and privileges, however, that need is overemphasis. For example, children can report parents if they want to discipline them. This results in a dysfunctional society where parents are at the mercy of rebellious children.
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