The drawing technique of using dots instead of lines called stippling. Using lines instead of dots on the other hand is called hatching. Stippling involves placing individual dots across a surface in a pattern that will be identifiable. Individual dots are used to imply the shape, texture, or shadowing of a subject.
Option A is the best answer.
Whole half and quarter notes
Each note type is one half the preceding note in time duration. A half note is one half the value of a whole note. A quarter note is one half the value of a half note. A dot increases the length of a note by one half its value. A dotted quarter note is equal to a quarter note tied to an eighth note (quaver). ... If it last two beats the dotted note lasts 3 beats. Hold the note for its duration plus half of its original length.
International collaboration project experimenting with only mobile phones as the medium to create unique compositions