The right option is; d. consumers
All animals are consumers
Consumers are organisms that usually feed on other organisms or organic matter in order to gain energy because of their inability to manufacture their food from inorganic sources. All animals are consumers and they are also known as heterotrophs. There are different types of consumers. They include; primary consumers (herbivores e.g. goats, cows), secondary consumers (carnivores e.g. wolves, crocodile), and tertiary consumers (large carnivores e.g. eagle, lion)
A toboggan is a simple sled traditionally used by children. It is well adapted to sliding down open slopes, where its large surface rides easily on loose, fluffy snow.
Homology is evidence Divergent Evolution
When we study DNA sequences from different species, we conclude that all the living organisms have been arise from a single common ancestor and due to homology between different species, it is also concluded that organisms now-a-days are a result of Divergent Evolution from a single common ancestor.
Perder un testículo usualmente no tiene ningún efecto en la capacidad de un hombre de lograr una erección y tener sexo. No obstante, si se extirpan ambos testículos, no se pueden producir espermatozoides y el hombre queda estéril.