1. Ana Paola piensa reservar la banda Son y Sabor, que toca merengue.
2. Sebastián busca un peluquero que hace cortes de pelo modernos
3. Ana Paola prepara para la fiesta el plato que le gusta a su tío Alberto
4. Sebastián quiere comprar decoraciones que sean festivas.
5. Al final, Ana Paola va a contratar una compañía que viene a limpiar.
6. Ana Paola lo hará todo porque no conoce a ningún pariente que se dedica a organizar eventos familiares.
- tocar merengue = toca merengue.
- hacer cortes de pelo modernos = hace cortes de pelo modernos
- gustarle a tío Alberto = le gusta a su tío Alberto
- ser festivo/a = sean festivas.
- venir a limpiar = viene a limpiar.
- dedicarse a organizar = se dedica a organizar
En las oraciones gramaticales se puede identificar el verbo que es la parte encargada de expresar la acción que realiza el sujeto. Los verbos se caracterizan por su conjugación diferente dependiendo el tiempo en que se realiza la acción.
Por ejemplo, en el caso anterior los sujetos realizaban las acciones en tiempo presente, por lo cual la conjugación del verbo esta en presente.
<em>Espero que esta información sea de tu ayuda.</em>
You make a “O“ with your thumb
Answer:Fear and Phobias
Sometimes, a diver’s experience is marred not by an inability to master basic skills, but by a series of psychological factors. Already existing phobias can be exaggerated underwater, with claustrophobia (the fear of small spaces) and agoraphobia (the fear of open spaces) being two of the most common. The former is especially problematic in poor visibility, while the latter may be triggered when the water is uncommonly clear. Sometimes, fear is caused by a diver’s tendency to focus on all the things that can go wrong underwater. Any kind of phobia can swiftly lead to anxiety, resulting in hyperventilation, over-exertion, and debilitating panic.
There are several ways to control fear underwater, and you’ll need to experiment to find out which works best for you. The easiest way to avoid a panic attack is to stay within your comfort zone – if your anxiety is triggered by a strong current or overhead environments or unusually deep dives, don’t sign up for dives that involve those factors. Alternatively, try identifying the source of your fear and taking the time to address it. For example, if you find yourself fixating on the horror of an out-of-air situation, revise the steps for a CESA or an alternate air source ascent until you feel confident that you can deal with the problem if it happens. Meditation and breathing exercises can also help.
Elegir una transformación que han buscado y escribir los pasos que se deben realizar para dicha transformación, buscado eres y contraro y masetes.