I don't know all the answers to your questions but, I will tell you what I know.
The Bible says in Matthew 1:18, "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows when his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit." And then I'm going to skip down to verse 23 which is the prophecy fulfilled by the prophet Isaiah, it says, "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel," which translated means "God is with us."
An angel or the Holy Spirit came to Mary and told that she would have a son and he told her to name him Jesus.
Jesus was made like a human except he could not sin.
Mary and Martha were sisters and Lazarus was their brother. Their relationship with Jesus was that they were his close friends.
We are made in the likeness and image of our Heavenly Father, God.
Jesus is a role model for us because he died on the cross. While he was on the cross he took all our sins upon himself. He was so covered in sin that his Father, God could not even look at him.