Population is the right answer
In order to understand this question you need to understand the matching law first. The matching law provides the density of reinforcement or the rate of reinforcement if more than one response is available simultaneously to the individual. Here, two responses are available which are left key, 60 reinforcers per hour, and right key, 20 reinforcers per hour. This provides the ratio between the two reinforcers which is 60:20 or 3:1 in favor of left key. Here, one has to make a prediction only for left key and based on 3:1 ratio it can be said that 75% of pigeon will make their responses on the left key.
The eight-year Japanese invasion caused tremendous damage to China in terms of civilian and military casualties and property losses. More importantly, even seven decades after the end of the war, the two countries have not reached any reconciliation.The United States responded to this growing threat by temporarily halting negotiations with Japanese diplomats, instituting a full embargo on exports to Japan, freezing Japanese assets in U.S. banks, and sending supplies into China along the Burma Road.
Although textile mills and tobacco factories emerged in the South during this time, the plans for a New South largely failed. By 1900, per-capita income in the South was forty percent less than the national average, and rural poverty persisted across much of the South well into the twentieth century.
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