The internet can be compared to many stuff, such as a world wide web, or a huge box with stuff and you put in what you want and it comes out!
When operating a business, your budget will need to be created to account for fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs include your rent, utilities, phone/ Internet, accountant, legal fees, technology, salaries, advertising & marketing. Variable costs include the costs of goods sold and labor costs/ commissions.
The MiniMax algorithm computes the MiniMax decision from the current state. The MiniMax algorithm always is especially known for its usefulness in calculating the best move in two-player games where all the information is available
Answer below
Maximum transmission unit (MTU)
A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest packet or frame size that is usually specified in Eight-bit bytes, which can be sent in a packet or frame-based network such as the internet.
Longest Prefix Match
Longest prefix match is an algorithm used by routers in Internet Protocol to lookup the IP prefix that will likely be the terminal point of the next hop from the router.
CIDR and Subnet Mask
CIDR, known in full as Classless inter-domain routing, is a set of IP standards that is used to make customized identifiers for networks and individual devices.
A subnet mask separates the internet protocol (IP) address into the network address and host address.
Switching Fabric
Switching fabric is simply an arrangement of the elements of a communication network also known as network topology, whereby the nodes of the network are seen to interconnect with one or more network switches.