what types of loop will be used.
Follows are the solution to this question:
The simple economy is the greatest incentive to join AI and the cloud. The cloud framework enables consumers to buy processing only after traditional installation costs are eradicated. Each company could use these earnings for the advancement of the AI using this model, that's why the dedicated infrastructure is a key advantage of continuing to work via artificial intelligence (AI) cloud-service fully prepared platform.
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The major goal of systems analysis and design is to improve organizational systems. Often this process involves developing or acquiring application software and training employees to use it. Application software, also called a system, is designed to support a specific organizational function or process, such as inventory management, payroll, or market analysis. The goal of application software is to turn data into information. For example, software developed for the inventory department at a bookstore may keep track of the number of books in stock of the latest best seller. Software for the payroll department may keep track of the changing pay rates of employees. A variety of off-the-shelf application software can be purchased, including WordPerfect, Excel, and PowerPoint. However, off-the-shelf software may not fit the needs of a particular organization, and so the organization must develop its own product.
Information systems analysis and design is a method used by companies ranging from IBM to PepsiCo to Sony to create and maintain information systems that perform basic business functions such as keeping track of customer names and addresses, processing orders, and paying employees. The main goal of systems analysis and design is to improve organizational systems, typically through applying software that can help employees accomplish key business tasks more easily and efficiently. As a systems analyst, you will be at the center of developing this software. The analysis and design of information systems are based on:
Your understanding of the organization’s objectives, structure, and processes
Your knowledge of how to exploit information technology for advantage
- import java.util.Scanner;
- public class num8 {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- int first, second, third, fourth,total;
- double decimalOne, decimalTwo, decimalTotal;
- }
- public static void getData(int first, int second, int third, int fourth, double decimalOne, double decimalTwo){
- System.out.println("Enter the Values");
- Scanner in = new Scanner(;
- first=in.nextInt();
- second=in.nextInt();
- third=in.nextInt();
- fourth=in.nextInt();
- decimalOne = in.nextDouble();
- decimalTwo = in.nextDouble();
- }
- public static int computeTotal(int first, int second, int third){
- return first+second+third;
- }
- public static int computeTotal(int first, int second, int third, int fourth){
- return first+second+third+fourth;
- }
- public static double computeTotal(double decimalOne, double decimalTwo){
- return decimalOne+decimalTwo;
- }
- public static void printAll( int first, int second, int third){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three are: "+first+" "+second+" "+third);
- }
- public static void printAll( int first, int second, int third, int fourth){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three and four are: "+first+" "+second+
- " "+third+" "+fourth);
- }
- public static void printAll( int first, int second, int third, int fourth, int fifth){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three and four are: "+first+" "+second+
- " "+third+" "+fourth+" "+fifth);
- }
- public static void printAll( double first, double second, double third){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three and four are: "+first+" "+second+
- " "+third);
- }
- }
This solution is provided in Java:
All the variable declarations are done in the main method (lines 3-6)
Eight methods as specified in the question are created (Lines 7, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 33 and 37).
Observe the concept of Method Overloading (i.e. methods with same name and return types but different parameter list)