there is a lot more but that's what I can type
There shall be a Federal Legislature consisting of two
Houses to be known as the House of Representatives and the National Assembly,
which shall be called as the Federal Parliament.
84. Composition of House of Representatives:
(1) The House of Representatives
shall consist of a total of two hundred and seventy five members, as follows:
(a) One hundred and sixty five members to be elected through the first
past the post electoral system, with one being elected from each
election constituency of one hundred and sixty five election
constituencies delimited in the country on the basis of geography
and population,
(b) One hundred and ten members to be elected through the proportional
electoral system where voters vote for political parties, with the
whole country being considered as a single election constituency.
(2) The Federal law shall provide that, in fielding candidacy by political
parties for the election to the House of Representatives under the proportional
electoral system, representation shall be ensured on the basis of a closed list also
from women, Dalit, indigenous peoples, Khas Arya, Madhesi, Tharu, Muslims and
backward regions, on the basis of population. In so fielding candidacy, regard
shall also be had to geography and territorial balance.
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, “Khas Arya” means Kshetri,
Brahmin, Thakuri, Sanyasi (Dashnami) community.
(3) In fielding candidacy under clause (2), political parties shall provide
for representation of the persons with disabilities as well.
(4) Election to the House of Representatives under clause (1) shall be
held through secret ballots in accordance with law.
(5) Each citizen of Nepal who has completed the age of eighteen years
shall have the right to vote in any one election constituency as provided for in the
Federal law.
(6) A person who is qualified under Article 87 and entitled to vote in an
election to the members of the House of Representatives may, subject to the
Federal law, be a candidate in any election constituency.
Provided that a person shall not be a candidate in more than one election
constituencies at the same time.
(7) If the seat of any member of the House of Representatives falls
vacant while its term still remains for more than six months, the vacancy shall be
filled in the same manner of electoral system as in which such seat was filled in.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part, at least
one third of the total number of members elected from each political party
representing in the Federal Parliament must be women. If women are not so
elected as to constitute one third of the elected members of any political party
under sub-clause (a) of clause (1) and sub-clause (a) of clause (2) of Article 86,
such political party must, in electing members under sub-clause (b) of clause (1),
so elect that women members constitute at least one third of the total number of
members elected to the Federal Parliament from that party.
(9) Election to the House of Representatives and other matters
pertaining thereto shall be as provided for in the Federal law.
85. Term of House of Representatives:
(1) Unless dissolved earlier pursuant to this
Constitution, the term of the House of Representatives shall be five years.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the term of the
House of Representatives may be extended by a Federal Act for a period not
exceeding one year in cases where a proclamation or order of a state of emergency
is in effect.
(3) The term of the House of Representatives extended under clause (2)
shall ipso facto expire upon the expiry of six months from the date of voidance of
the proclamation or order of the state of emergency.
86. Composition of National Assembly and term of office of its members: (1) The
National Assembly shall be a permanent House.