This means that the art work is theoretical
Answer:when sun light is refracted then we see shadow in water
Mandalas may exemplify the non-possession buddhist tradition
There are multiple possible answers and im afarid im no expert nor in buddhism or mandalas, but as you may also know, im certain that mandalas are well made representations of various (mostly religious) things in sand.
Making a sand mandala may take many hours and effort, and once you are finished, you must erase and destroy it all. I think the mandalas well exemplify one of the four noble truths: Being able to let go.
The third noble truth: <u>"It`s possible to end suffering by giving up attachments (clinging) and expectations (grasping)"</u>
it should be: G, A flat, D for a minor triad and G, B, D for a major triad.
When an Instrument is created, It gets put into a musical family based on how it is played. If you wanted to make a rubber band an instrument it would most likely be in the string family. If you were to create a new instrument that doesn't use strings, air, force, buzzing air or anything that is used in existing instruments, you would have made a new family.
There are five main instrument families: strings, woodwind, brass, keyboards, and percussion. Musical instruments are grouped into families based on how they make sounds. In an orchestra, musicians sit together in these family groupings. But not every instrument fits neatly into a group. For example, the piano has strings that vibrate, and hammers that strike.