Answer:When Iván Ilych's brother-in-law comes to visit before New Years, he is shocked to see how Iván Ilych has changed. After admitting that he sees a change, the brother-in-law refuses to speak more about it to Iván Ilych. Iván Ilych locks himself in a room to examine his reflection in the mirror, comparing it to a portrait of himself taken with his wife. The change is immense. He then goes out and eavesdrops on his brother-in-law and wife in the drawing room. Though Praskóvya Fëdorovna denies that the change is great, her brother insists: "Why, he's a dead man! Look at his eyes there's no light in them" (143).
Answer: After reading the introduction I can see two right answers. Is it acceptable? If so, I considered these excerpts represented below to be correct. If you need only one right answer, I insist on the first one which I mentioned.
Explanation:This supernatural soliciting
Cannot be ill; cannot be good:—if ill,
Why hath it given me earnest of success,
Commencing in a truth? I am Thane of Cawdor
Shakes so my single state of man, that function
Is smother'd in surmise; and nothing is
But what is not.
Aunt Harriet did not kill herself or the baby, though it does seem like it at first. If you read the pages carefully, Joseph Strorm kills her actually. In the pages after Harriet leaves, David's mom says she will pray for gods forgiveness for Harriet, but J.strorm talks about the heresies of women, how they can get away with it but he says how aunt Harriet won't get away with it this time. The page after, David says how they found aunt Harriet's body in a river, his dad mentioned her in his prayers but never again. This implies murder.
There are many kinds of birds in our district. the birds that are commonly found in our district are the robin, blackbird, thrush, wren, swallow, lark, corncrake, cuckoo, crow, and magpie.
The swallow, corncrake, and the cuckoo come to Ireland for the Summer, and they go away to warmer countries when it begins (to get) cold here.
The robin mostly builds its next in a hole of a ditch, with twigs, and moss, and lines it inside with hair. She lays six eggs and hatches them until young birds come out. The colour of the eggs is white with red spots.
The blackbird builds her next between roots of bushes, and lays four eggs. She hatches them for three weeks
The main form of discrimination in Of Mice and Men we see is discrimination against the mentally disabled. This is portrayed through Lennie's character as we see him getting treated different than others and misunderstood. We also see racial discrimination through Crooks, a black man. Sexism is also a prominent form of discrimination that we see through Candy's wife. We see discrimination against women even just through the way Candy's wife isn't given a name of her own, as if she's just an extension of her husband. Following back to the discrimination against mentally disabled, the outcome of the story is greatly impacted by this. In the end, George has to kill Lennie because Lennie doesn't understand his own strength, and accidentally kills Curley's wife.