Completing the sentences
1. I always brush my teeth.
2. I usually walk to school.
3. I often eat vegetables.
4. I sometimes play with my friends.
5. I never get up late.
Words in the right order:
- get up late
- brush my teeth
- drink coffee
- walk to school
- talk in class
- eat chocolate
- do my English homework
- read a book
- play with my friends
- send emails
- eat vegetables
I have been able to complete the sentences using some of the words in the box.
Also, question 3 wasn't clear enough. But I had to write the words in the box in the order I feel they are carried out by a student. So, I don't know if there are words that were not captured in the image.
I completed the sentences using the words that depict action by a student; the activities being carried out.
To stay up late working on a project or task.
Is it correct?
Observation is a very important part of science. It lets us see the results of an experiment, even if they are not the results we expect. It lets us see unexpected things around us that might stimulate our curiosity, leading to new experiments. Even more important than observation is accurate observation. Often, our eyes and our brains play tricks on us, letting us see what we expect to see, instead of what is actually there.
Mythology Project
Submit the final draft of your short research project about mythology. Your project should be a multimedia presentation that presents information about a culture from which a myth originated. Describe any connections between the culture and the myth. Your project should contain 500–750 words and at least two pieces of media.
Make sure you have:
Used text and media in your multimedia presentation.
Cited at least three sources.
Written relevant information about a culture from which a myth originated
Written about connections between the culture and the myth.
Included relevant characteristics of the culture.
Used a formal style and an objective tone.
Used effective formatting and organization of ideas.
Revised the rough draft using the writing checklist.
Checked for and corrected grammar, usage, or mechanics errors.
Submitted the writing checklist with your assignment.
Review the rubric so you understand how this assignment will be graded.