The oldest known cave painting is a red hand stencil in Maltravieso cave, Cáceres, Spain. It has been dated using the uranium-thorium method to older than 64,000 years and was made by a Neanderthal
The dating discovery recasts ancient cave art as a continent-spanning human practice. A hand painted in an Indonesian cave dates to at least 39,900 years ago, making it among the oldest such images in the world, archaeologists reported Wednesday in a study that rewrites the history of art.
I believe the answer is false
I hope I helped in a sort of' way
Mabel L.
The correct answer is D. The Land Down Under. Australia Department of Tourism, 1 February 2013. Web. 14 June 2013.
According to the MLA guidelines for a website and almost any other source, when the author's name is not known you should simply omit it. This means the first information you should include is not the author's name or last name but the name of the website or source, which is the information after the author in most citations. Also, you should include the name of the publisher after the title of the source. According to this, the first information should be "The Land Down Under". Besides this, the word "web" which is the medium should be included after the date of publication, and before the date you read the source. This makes the last option the correct citation.
The juxaposition of animal hunting scenes and a marine scene, combined with the lack of human figures on any of the floors, makes the Lod Mosac very unusual. Because the mosaic's imagery has no overt religious content, it cannot be determined whether the owner was a pagan, a Jew, or Christian.