A weird as this question is, I'll answer it for the points; though keep in mind that this will most likely be deleted.
Looking at this question from a scientific point and replacing it with a piece of paper instead. Depending on the ankle of the flick and the speed you would get every far. You have to take in account of where the wind is blowing that day, you muss also think about anything that could be in its way (the nose, objects, etc.) Then there is also how heavy or big the object is...
So in conclusion this is a odd questions and has no actual answer, but thank you for the points.
J'attends mes amis au restaurant.
ATTENDRE <em>présent</em>
tu attends
il/elle/on attend
nous attendons
vous attendez
ils/elles attendent
Yang habite en Chine, il adore peindre et jouer de la musique.
Frank vit en France, il joue du rugby.
The last paragraph says, In my city we have private transport as well as buses and taxis, but we don't have a metro ...
Compared to Belgium, ...
I'am from Switzerland, so i can speak french and german. I can help you, ask me