Supersatured solutions can be created by heating the liquid to it's boling temperature. When the solvent gets hot, the molecules have more space to move around, and there is more space for solute molecules between them. You can keep stirring in any solute, and it will continue to dissolve, even though the saturation point has been reached.
This is called the locus and is determined in Meiosis by gametes from parent cells. During meiosis there is this thing called 'crossing over' where the gametes (sperm and egg cells) homologous genes (genes of similar size and shape, such as X and Y chromosomes or X and X) exchange genes on the same locus to provide slightly different characteristics.
Please check this with your teacher but i believe that this is right. Hope this helps. ;)
This organelle in cells indicates that an organism can harness energy from the sun and other abiotic factors like carbon dioxide to make their own ‘food’. Chroloplasts have chlorophyl piments that contains photosystems centers that harness energy from the sun for photosynthesis. This light energy from the sun is captured and transferred in chemical bonds of manufactured carbohydrates which are stored in the plants. These plants transfer this energy in an ecosystem when they are consumed by higher organisms in the food chain.