They provided uniforms, blankets, sandbags and other supplies for entire regiments. They wrote letters to soldiers and worked as untrained nurses in makeshift hospitals. They even cared for wounded soldiers in their homes.
1. A policy first adopted by President Truman to stop the spread of Communism
2. The United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War
3. Nations that are politically and economically controlled by another country.
4. A state of military and political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after WWII
Cold War
5. A social, economic, and military barrier between the Soviet bloc countries and Western Europe after WWII
Iron Curtain
The male rules was a former emperor of vietnam King
Hitler intended to defeat Great Britain by; A massive bombing attack;
After the French armistice was signed on 22 June, Britain was the only country resisting Germany. Hitler did not wish to invade Britain, after the fall of France, he assumed the British would simply surrender.
Hitler was therefore surprised when Britain did not surrender. On july 16 he gave a directive which authorized detailed preparations for an invasion landing in Britain, code named operation Sealion.