Ah so cute I love it! I would put the heart (on their hands) above their hands and make it a tiny bit smaller, That way you can see them holding hands, I also think it would look a little bit nicer. Maybe a little bit softer strokes for the hair. Good job:)
Unfortunately having some many types of displays (tft, lcd, led, oled, plasma, etc) and a myriad of color setting for monitors, you will defined see different variants of colors of the same photo on different monitors.
Duck means pet animals
sorry for spamming forgive me
Per Yngve Ohlin was a Swedish metal musician on a band called DEAD who had a spleen ruptured after being beaten up by bullies he was dead for a second but lived again. He is important because he inspired the corpse painting for the genre. I think that he was a great guy and that it was amazing that he survived a spleen rupture.