B. is the right answer because the north america have in common they all lived in the small family units.
good luck
That the Spanish were behind the explosion of the Maine is common sense.
Read the context (ap3x)
Named Virginia Virginia after dicovering America
tabacco and potato chips?
Or do you mean HIS country
He was knighted in 1585, and within two years became Captain of the Queen's Guard. Between 1584 and 1589, he helped establish a colony near Roanoke Island (present-day North Carolina), which he named Virginia. Accused of treason by King James I, Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned and eventually put to death.Apr 2, 2014
Not sure if you had any answer choices, but through merchants, who traded across the Indian Ocean, Hinduism spread to Southeast Asia, in regions like Vietnam. Buddhism spread along trade routes like the Silk Road. It made its way into East and Southeast Asia in regions like China, Korea and Japan. If you are looking for an area they both spread to it would be Southeast Asia.
The government keeps records so we can know, when we need, about the history of our country and its individuals.
Our government also ensures law enforcement by hiring the right people to represent and keep the law and the structures of our society running.
The government also assures us that we can change governors or keep them by voting if we are satisfied or unsatisfied with them.
The government also has the obligation to provide public services to make our lives and specially the lives of the less fortunate easier with the tax money that we pay with our hard work.