The answer is camine w/ a tilde on the e because the sentence is first person and past tense.
La upr, recinto de San Juan
<span>Hi, I'm Carlos. I'm excited that I'm going to the concert but I need to buy new clothes. I need a suit in size thirty-eight. I do not need a shirt, but I need a tie. I really like red ties. I only have one hundred and ten ($ 110) dollars and I do not have time to go shopping. You help me?
The clerk Good afternoon. How can I help you?
student I need to buy a new suit for my friend Carlos.
The clerk What size do you need?
student My friend needs a size 28.
My friend needs a size 38.
My friend needs a size 40. Click to Reveal
My friend needs a size 38.
The clerk Well, in size thirty-eight (38) I have three suits of various colors. How much money do you have to spend?
student I have one hundred and ten dollars ($ 110).
I have one hundred dollars ($ 100).
I have one hundred and fifteen dollars ($ 115). Click to Reveal
I have one hundred and ten dollars ($ 110).
The clerk Does your friend need a shirt and a tie with the suit?
student Yes, you need a shirt and a tie.
No, you do not need a shirt, but you need a tie.
No, you do not need a shirt or a tie. Click to Reveal
No, you do not need a shirt, but you need a tie.
The clerk The ties are cheap and there are many colors. What color does your friend like?
student My friend likes the yellow tie.
My friend likes the blue tie.
My friend likes the red tie. Click to Reveal
My friend likes the red tie.
The dependent The blue suit costs one hundred dollars ($ 100) but has a discount of twenty percent (20%). The black suit costs one hundred ($ 100) dollars too but it has no discount. The price of the brown suit is one hundred dollars with a discount of fifty percent (50%). What costume do you want to buy?
student I buy the blue suit.
I buy the black suit.
I buy the brown suit. Click to Reveal
I buy the blue suit.
The dependent (if you answered all questions correctly)
Excellent. It is a good purchase. Thank you very much!
Bravo! You bought the blue suit and the red tie in the correct size. That is exactly what Carlos needed. You only had $ 110 and you spent it well! Here is your receipt.
How much are the shirts?
$ 50
$ 25
$ 5
$ 15
How many costumes are there in the likes of Carlos?