One of the techniques could be something like a parental check up of the child's phone so they know what they are doing. If the parents did this they would be able to see the child's messages and even search history so they know they won't be bullying someone. Parents are a big role in bullying because they either don't see their children doing it or their children being bullied. It relates because that way everything would be monitored and nothing would go too far if it did happen to escape a parent and bullying began.
The word that is spelled correctly is critically. Stacey didn’t enjoy the movie even though it was critically acclaimed.
A critical person is one who frequently passes judgment on others and finds fault with them. A parent who thinks none of the dates his daughter brings home are suitable for her is an example of being critical.
in a critically precarious medical condition, or extremely: critically hurt; a pneumonia patient who is seriously ill. critically; unavoidably; of decisive or fundamental importance with regard to the outcome: The right weather is essential to this experiment's success.
She is a well-known physicist whose research includes complex networks, avalanche dynamics, self-organized critically, and earthquakes. Consequences of failure are given several degrees of criticality. Additionally, minimizing the effects of a nuclear criticality disaster is a concern of nuclear criticality safety.
To know more about critically refer to:
I think either a cartoon film or an action film
Depends what age they are as well
<span>Ants are ubiquitous because they are intelligent and work as a collective unit within a hive. Ants adapt to most climates and are generally very hearty insects. They also work together to help and protect each other. They also work as a collective to solve problems, protect their queen and survive.</span>
The event requires people to make difficult decisions.