Unicameral Legislature
Law making body made up of a single house
<span></span>Bicameral Legislaturelawmaking body made up of two houses.
<span></span>Articles of confederationoriginal federal constitution drafted by the continental congress in 1777
<span></span>Northwest territoryvast territory north of the Ohio river and west of Pennsylvania as far as the Mississippi River
<span></span>Land Ordinance of 1785law which designed a system for managing and settling lands the the Northwest Territory
<span></span>Northwest Ordinance of 1787law which provided a basis for governing the northwest territory
<span></span>Shays' Rebellionfarmers' rebellion led by Daniel shays against higher taxes in Massachusetts
<span></span>John Dickinson<span>-From Pennsylvania
-led the congress in designing a loose confederation of 13 states</span>
James Madison's proposal for a bicameral legislature with representation based upon population
<span></span>New Jersey PlanWilliam Paterson's proposal for a unicameral legislature with each state having one vote
<span></span>Great Compromisecompromise between the Virginia and New Jersey plans for a bicameral legislature; each state would have equal representation in the Senate and varied representation in the House of Representatives based on the state's population
<span></span>federalismpolitical system in which power is shared between the national government and state governments
<span></span>Three fifths Compromisecompromise in which each enslaved person would be counted as three fifths of a person for the purposes of legislative representation
<span></span>Alexander hamiliton<span>-very conservative in principles
-disliked Democracy so he praised the British Constitution
-thought that a balanced government should have elements of aristocracy and monarchy as well as of republicanism</span>
<span>-Father of the Constitution
-took detailed notes at the Constitutional Convention
-only a strong nation can rescue the states from their own democratic excesses
-favored republicanism rather than a constitution modeled after the British system
-insisted that a large republic with diverse interests would preserve the common good.</span>
official approval
<span></span>Federalistone who favored ratification of the Constitution
<span></span>Antifederalistone who opposed ratification of the Constitution
<span></span>The Federalistseries of 85 essays written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay that explained and defended the Constitution
<span></span>Bill of Rightsfirst ten amendments to the Constitution; written list of freedoms guaranteed to citizens by the government
<span></span>popular sovereigntyprinciple in which the people are the only source of government power
<span></span>Limited governmentprinciple stating that the government has only as much authority as the people give it and, therefore, its power is limited
<span></span>separation of powersprinciple that divides power among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government
<span></span>checks and balancessystem in which each branch of the government has the power to monitor and limit the actions of the other two
<span></span>electoral collegegroup of persons chosen from each state to indirectly elect the President and Vice President
<span></span>John Jay<span>-one of the authors of the Federalists Papers
-became the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after the Constitution went into effect</span>
-loose confederation
-power was limited
-Congress implemented and enforced laws
-Executive power was shared by committees
-Each state had one vote in Congress
-Minor issues were passed by a simple majority. Major issues, like declaring war, required 9 states
-Amendments to the Articles required the agreement of all 13 states</span>
What type of government was the Articles of Confederation
<span></span>The New Jersey PlanWhich Plan most resembled the Articles of Confederation?
<span></span><span>-A slave counted as three-fifths of a person in determining representation in Congress and electoral votes for presidential elections-Importation of slaves could not be forbidden for twenty years.
-Northern states could not pass laws to help runaway slaves</span>
How did the three/fifths compromise help the south?
<span></span>The fact that Congress had a limited role. They could not tax or regulate commerce between states or states and foreign nations. There was no federal court system.What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
<span></span>the peoplefrom where does government derive it's power?
<span></span><span>-popular sovereignty-Limited government
-Separation of Powers
- Federalism
-Checks and Balances