The three rivers that flow into Lake Pontchartrain are Tangipahoa, Amite, and Tickfaw.
Long-term v. short-term presidency: Some wanted lifelong terms down to two year terms--there were concerns of chaotic changes not allowing for stability and the states' rights side (Anti-Federalists) wanted the ability to change power often.
There were also discussions regarding qualifications and powers of the president. Most of the disagreements were decided by compromise leading to the government that is created out of the Constitutional Convention.
Alexander Hamilton was an American revolutionary, statesman and Founding Father of the United States. I know he was best known for being a founding father, who fought in the American Revolutionary War, helped draft the Constitution, and served as the first secretary of the treasury. He was also the founder and chief architect of the American financial system.
I know Aaron Burr slays Alexander Hamilton in duel. In one of the most famous duels in American history, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shoots his long-time political antagonist Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, a leading Federalist and the chief architect of America's political economy, died the following day.
these are just some things you can use. not that hard to look up some quick facts
High tarrifs and competing nations