a person advocating or supporting republican government.
Isis is the Egyptian goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom.
One of the first in the late 17th century, the English thinker John Locke (1632-1704) spoke about human rights; he believed that everyone from birth has the right to life, property, and freedom. The guarantors of these rights are firm laws and separation of powers. Supporters of John Locke in the school of natural law justified their theories with references to nature or God. But in this case, it is not the flawlessness of the substantiation of human rights that is important, but the fact that this issue was understood as socially significant - humanity has risen to the level of self-awareness, which recognizes the value of each "Self" and the equivalence of people's interests.
Answer: opening sea route to the west
- Vasco de gama helped Portugal gain influence in the Indian spice trade through finding a sea rout from Europe to India.
- The spices found in India were on high demand in Europe but could not be availed there due to transport constraints in terms of the lack of a rout.
- Through finding the sea rout to India, then Vasco de gama helped the Portuguese travel back and forth for spice business.