The cotton gin was a machine for separating cotton from its seeds.
Resembles that of the union (federal governemnt).
The invention of machine guns greatly influenced European states in the 19th century because it allowed them to violently colonize Africa with little-to-no resistance, since the weapons used by the native Africans could not compete.
Yes, they were unethical.
Yes, the Tuskegee syphilis study and diethylstilbestrol study on pregnant women were both unethical because it is illegal and inhuman to conduct medical experiments on humans without informed consent and agreement.
Both these two experiments were conducted without informing the patients of what actually they were being prescribed and observed for.
In the case of Tuskegee syphilis study, the patients were told that they were being observed and treated for deficient blood while in diethylstilbestrol study on pregnant women, most of them weren't even informed of the experiment. Therefore, these studies were completely unethical human experimentation.