A kebab is usually made with meat and vegetables.
Many soldiers living in the Andersonville Prison were subjected to inhumane living conditions.
Most of the information was made available through letters and diaries, most famously of Corporal Samuel J. Gibson, who was a union soldiers, captured an imprisoned.
While his messages mostly talked about stable health of prisoners and 'tolerable conditions' subsequent writings described a prison system that was hastily built with poor planning.
Overcrowding was rampant and of over 45,000 prisoners who lived on the 16 acres site, approx. 13,000 died.
There was never enough food to go around for the young men and sanitary conditions quickly disintegrated leading to widespread diseases.
If there had been no Ancient Greek civilization we'd be behind in literature, art, technology, science and much more. The Greek gave the world new ideas and an individual right in self government. The world right now would probably be in the 1619 A.D not 2019 A.D.
So that they could get the support of the black slaves that were all over the united states.
By the time he left office in August 1857 to represent the territory in Congress, Stevens had "negotiated ten treaties providing for the quieting of Indian title to some hundred thousand square miles of land."